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st innocent orphanage

Stories of Hope with Melina of Casa Hogar

From the Desk of Stories of Hope with host, Julia Kasten

I’m happy to introduce Melina Martinez, who is a crucial part of the work that gets accomplished on Project Mexico’s 16-acre ranch in Baja California. She is part of leadership, and the second hand to Guillermo (Director of the Orphanage Programs). Melina helps Guillermo raise the boys, organizes the children’s doctor’s appointments, and makes sure that holidays are celebrated in full joy. From the Desk of Stories of Hope, I sat down with Melina to discuss how she is able to see the image of God in her everyday work.

Stories of Hope (SoH): What does the phrase, ¨The Image of God¨ mean to you?”

Melina: For me, the ¨Image of God¨ is every child and adult, every person that is at the ranch. Because God manifests through every life. So, for me, to think in the image of God is to think about my brother, or to think about whoever is in front of, or around me.

SoH: You’re working every day with difficult children and challenging situations. Is it hard to remember God, and life in Christ, when you’re worried about all the little things, like paperwork and mealtimes?

Melina: I use the phrase “Lord have mercy” a lot in my day. Or I use the person in front of me to say for example, “Lord have mercy on Julia.” I also go to church, but it is hard because my relationship with God doesn’t feel so good right now. Sometimes it’s easier to just not go to church, or very difficult to focus my thoughts. I know that these things [church and prayer] are the answer, and I am teaching this to the children, but sometimes it’s a struggle to do it myself.

SoH: How does working with the boys of Casa Hogar affect you?

Melina: I like to think that God is with all of us, through the good and bad moments. It is a great work in me, and I am grateful, primarily to God, that he brought me here and gave me an opportunity to work for this institution. I feel that returning to work here is a way to be able to show my gratitude and thanks to God, and be able to return a very little part of the many blessings that I have been given. Everyday can be a battle, but because I feel grateful, I am able to be happy in my work.

SoH: How do you approach caring for others?

Melina: I like to think, if you have love, give love, even if people say don’t. If you have compassion, give compassion to whoever you can. It’s not me, God put me in this place. God can move us to his path. Many times during work, the young kids will get angry, frustrated and difficult. We have to have compassion on them, and understand that it’s not them, but what they represent. So, I ask, how can I take care of God through the person that is right in front of me?

Our annual matching grant is in full swing. We are grateful to our generous grant sponsors for pledging $100,000 (at the time of this writing) and between now and December 31st, 2024 you can double your gift!

A Letter from the Chairman, Dennis Awad

Dear Friends and Suporters,

Our new infant orphanage, Casa Cuna San Felipe was dedicated on June 28 with over 270 supporters and volunteers who gathered together at our 16-acre ranch in Northern Baja. Fifteen priests lead the gathered guests and homebuilding volunteers in singing hymns of glory. Everyone sensed that a once in a lifetime moment was about to happen. The cutting of the ribbon to enter this special place was done and a refuge for God’s children was born.

At Casa Cuna I watched as the volunteers carefully mounted pictures and icons 2 and 3 feet from the ground so our little ones could see the images when they walked into their little chapel that was made for them. Our homebuilding program welcomed over 600 volunteers from all over the world, including an Orthodox family from Thailand. These dedicated volunteers built 28 homes for those in need. I saw the volunteers as they worked tirelessly constructing a home for a family in the local community. The new inhabitants of these safe and secure homes wept in joy and gratitude when the keys to their new homes were turned over to them.

Our mission to provide hope was being fulfilled by these young adults, parents and senior citizen mentors as they toiled in the hot sun. Our ministry changes the lives of those that are in need while the love of working in community together draws us closer to God. As the chairman of the board of trustees, I see the image of God in his

people who work here at Project Mexico. I also recognize those who selflessly give of their time and talents to serve others. This remarkable ministry is made possible by your generous financial support and we are thankful that you are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

With Gratitude,

Dennis Awad, Chairman

Our annual matching grant is in full swing. We are grateful to our generous grant sponsors for pledging $100,000 (at the time of this writing) and between now and December 31st, 2024 you can double your gift!

God's Image Gives Life

Blessed Country

We all need to be reminded that God has blessed our country, therefore let us share our blessings with those in need. Hence the Orthodox community in the United States, from all jurisdictions, travel to Mexico to bring relief to families who are plagued by third-world conditions. This is no easy task, but we are up for the challenge.

During the 2024 Homebuilding season, we built 28 homes with over 600 missionaries. Humanity is created to rise above the tragedy of this world. In Psalm 82, which we chant every Holy Saturday, the Lord shouts out to us that we are gods therefore do not die as mere mortal men (Ps. 82:6-7). We are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) and are different than all of creation. This difference allows us to preform inconceivable feats, overcoming the most dire of obstacles. This image of God in us is the reason for Project Mexico’s success and continues to fuel its progress throughout every moment.

For over a decade, my family and I lived in Mexico at the St. Innocent Orphanage caring for the boys day-to-day. Waking up at 5:00 am for morning prayers was draining but the larger challenge was to persevere as the children struggled through the trauma of being abandoned. The streets of Tijuana is no place to call home. Violence, prostitution, drug cartels and abuse are the sad reality of inner-city life. Thank God the Orphanage exists to provide a safe place where these boys can grow and experience the joys of life.

As the Executive Director, I now have the responsibility of leading Project Mexico so that all facets of this pan-Orthodox organization can be successful in the eyes of God. The life-giving inspiration that provides the energy to continue shines through the children’s example. Seeing God in the love, perseverance, hope, joy, and patience of these little ones is not only encouraging but transformational. God’s Image is undeniably present in the boys, and now in the little infant girls too, at the St. Innocent Orphanage and San Felipe Casa Cuna. Let us all see this image and, no matter the challenge, rise to do amazing things in Jesus Christ.

Our annual matching grant is in full swing. We are grateful to our generous grant sponsors for pledging $100,000 (at the time of this writing) and between now and December 31st, 2024 you can double your gift!

Indulge in Fresh, House-Made Fig Jam and Support a Great Cause

The Holiday Season is a Perfect Time for Jam!

Are you a fan of unique, high-quality, artisanal products? Look no further! We are excited to introduce *Padre’s Fig Jam*, a fresh, house-made delight crafted with love and care. Made exclusively from handpicked figs cultivated on our very own fig trees, this jam bursts with rich, natural flavor in every bite. Perfect for toast, cheese boards, or even as a sweet addition to your favorite recipes, this fig jam is a treat you don’t want to miss.

But that’s not all—when you purchase a jar of *Padre’s Fig Jam*, you’re not just indulging in a delicious product, you’re also making a difference. Every dollar from your purchase goes directly to benefit the children of **St. Innocent Orphanage**, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing care, education, and support to orphaned children. Your purchase will help fund essential programs and resources, giving these children hope for a brighter future.

You can enjoy this delicious jam and contribute to a meaningful cause by shopping exclusively through our online store. It’s as easy as hitting the button below to place your order and have this house-made jam delivered right to your doorstep.

Don’t wait! **Shop now** and savor the taste of *Padre’s Fig Jam* while supporting children in need. Together, we can make a sweet impact—one jar at a time.

*Order before December 12th, 2024 to ensure Christmas gift arrival.

Working Forward by Alejandro Zendejas

Answering God's Call: Living the Orthodox Life at St. Innocent Orphanage and Inspiring Faith

I have been blessed with opportunities that have influenced me to continue on the path of the Orthodox Life. Since graduating from Hellenic College Holy Cross, I often felt that God was calling me to return to St. Innocent Orphanage and fulfill a purpose here. With two post-college moves and job-searching, I was able to ignore this feeling and continue life as normal. It was easy for me to avoid something I knew would be difficult and uncomfortable at times, even if I knew it was the right thing.

The act of putting God’s will before your own is not an easy feat. It took me a year to finally come to terms with that calling. Life in America was comfortable but life in Mexico is fulfilling. There is still a mystery in my purpose and I haven’t quite discovered the reason that

God called me to come back, but what I do know is that living and serving here keeps me accountable for continuing my journey in the Orthodox way. Striving to set an example and be a resource for the boys. My hope is that more of the boys will succeed in utilizing the opportunities given to them through St. Innocent’s in order to become men who are strong in their faith, firm in their beliefs, and secure in their future.

Learning to Laugh

God came to challenge us to keep growing no matter what our age. (Matt. 5:48) As we celebrate Pascha/Easter, we learn what it really means to follow Jesus. We realize that He suffered for us and through His resurrection our lives can be filled with life and hope. We are called to follow with hope. Here in Tijuana, we are surrounded by plenty of tragedy for this reason the Mexican government asked us to open “Casa Cuna San Felipe,” Casa Cuna is Spanish for Infant Orphanage.

In October of last year we received our first infant, little Felipe. We loved him. We held him. We fed him. He learned how to smile and laugh for the first time and was adopted by a loving Mexican family in January of this year. These infants and toddlers, who were abandoned, learn to do their Orthodox cross, kiss icons and sing to Jesus. Laughter emanates from the Casa Cuna. These joyous little ones know that Jesus loves them because now they have a home.

Currently, we care for 27 boys, one infant and four toddlers. St. Paul encourages us to live a life of purpose, patience, perseverance, and faith. (2 Tim. 3:10-15) As missionaries of the Good News we strive to live the Gospel by upholding the life of Christ through compassion and love. This endeavor is easier said than done when you have an infant crying, two toddlers fighting and three teenagers making fun of you.

The Orthodox team here in Tijuana is not perfect but it is our goal to learn from the lessons of the ministry so to grow closer to Jesus. The Church community of St. Innocent Orphanage allows us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We also have access to the Sacramental Life. In tears we confess our sins. With hope we lift up our voices to praise God. And in gratefulness, we receive Holy Communion, the Eucharist, the flesh and blood of God. We are becoming one with Jesus through caring for His little ones.

• Repurposed a dormitory to house five female long-term missionaries

• Installed two new icons in the Orphanage Chapel

• Purchased land to build a new church outside of the Orphanage for the people of Tijuana

• Remodeled the intern dorm so we could begin caring for six infants

• Completed 60% of the infant orphanage which will house up to 15 children from newborns to toddlers

Like the mustard tree, Project Mexico has become a place where children can find refuge, where young adults can discover God’s purpose for them, and where Mexican families can receive help in order to rise out of homelessness. Jesus Christ was sent by His Father and hung on the tree for us. That tree is the cross and is the vehicle that brings life. Now, at the St. Innocent Orphanage & Project Mexico, the tree is growing and we all are becoming more like Jesus. Therefore, let us celebrate Pascha/Easter, rise to the occasion and learn to always put our hope in God.

Christmas 2023 in Mexico

Project Mexico Holiday Special

In this heartwarming video and photo collage, the staff and children of Project Mexico and St Innocent Orphanage in Baja celebrate Christmas and all its blessings at the only 100% donor-supported Orthodox Orphanage in North America. Since 1988, Project Mexico has been building safe, secure and weather-tight homes for some of the most impoverished families in Northern Mexico. Every home is constructed over four days and built entirely with volunteer labor. Once complete, these homes are provided so these families can build a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Casa Cuna San Felipe Infant Orphanage

By Noelle Robadaik, Education Coordinator

A few years ago, during the Nativity season, I visited the Tijuana DIF Shelter with some of our orphanage staff to bring tamales, hot chocolate, and candy to the children there and spread a little Christmas cheer. This facility is where children wait to be reunited with family members or moved to an orphanage after primary caretakers lose custody. All of the boys in our care have been in this facility or at a sister facility at some point. At times, more than 250 children have called it home. When we entered the nursery, we were met with rows of hospital-style bassinets filled with babies, some asleep, others lying awake staring at the ceiling. The two women caring for them told us that by the time they had fed and changed each child, it was time to start over again. They were able to meet the most basic needs of these babies, but nothing more.

But most alarmingly, although we spent at least forty-five minutes in the nursery, we heard no crying. These precious babies had found that their cries received no response and had stopped trying. At that moment, I realized we needed to help these children, and we began to explore the feasibility of expanding our orphanage program. The effects of neglect and abuse in the earliest years of life have severe, lifelong consequences. 

While helping the boys at St. Innocent Orphanage navigate the obstacles created by poor care in their early years, I have been overwhelmed with the desire to prevent other children from living the same traumas. Now, after years of planning and with support from our Board of Directors and generous donations from the Phillip Giannakis Foundation and others, we have started building our own nursery and created a temporary facility to care for a few infants and toddlers while the building is finished. 

In our nursery, children will receive so much more than the basic necessities. We will provide them with a loving and attentive home and opportunities for the healthy attachment and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development they would otherwise be denied. Watching the walls of the nursery being built fills my heart with joy, knowing that generations to come will receive a loving and stable beginning of life and a brighter future. 

I feel so blessed to have been a part of this ministry for so many years, but the time has come for me to finish my time working here at Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage and start the next chapter of my life. The first time I came down on a homebuilding trip as a young high school student changed my life, and since then I haven’t been able to stay away. 

I am so grateful and proud to watch our ministry grow and develop. Embracing my changing role has been bittersweet. My time caring for the boys in their day-to-day activities has come to an end, but now I take on the equally important role of praying, contributing what I can, and spreading the word about the beauty of the orphanage. 

This ministry cannot function without the countless people who support it in different ways. Your support, whether through constant prayer or donations to keep the lights on and pantry full, fills us with strength and allows us to expand our ministry and continue to serve our Lord and the needy of Tijuana. Please prayerfully consider supporting our growing ministry while keeping the boys and staff in your prayers. 

The Church Grows

By Father Demetrios Swanson, Resident Priest

The very first Liturgy in the Americas was celebrated off the coast of Alaska in 1741, nearly 300 years ago. It was celebrated onboard the ship of captain Vitus Bering (the namesake of the Bering Sea) on the feast of the Holy Prophet Elias, July 20. Our beloved St. Innocent arrived in Alaska 80 years later. He traveled extensively throughout Alaska, teaching, baptizing, building churches often with his own hands, translating the Gospels and Services into the local languages which he had learned through intense study, all while keeping detailed accounts and journals.

St. Innocent was unimaginably industrious, still famous in scientific circles for his detailed studies of the natural environment in Alaska. While there, he took at least one journey down the North American Pacific Coast reaching as far as California. It is thought that his goal was to reach Mexico. He never did. Or so I said in a recent sermon here at the St. Innocent Mission, our little chapel within the walls of St. Innocent Orphanage. After the sermon I was corrected by Presbytera Carmen Sosa who said, “That’s not true. St. Innocent did make it to Mexico. We have his relics here in the church.” I wanted to cry. She is correct.

In 1995 Project Mexico received a piece of St. Innocent's bone and shortly afterwards the first Orthodox Church in Northern Mexico, our little chapel was named St. Innocent. A miracle. For almost 30 years St. Innocent Mission has been celebrating the Divine Liturgy, baptizing and communing Orthodox Christians, and sanctifying the earth within the walls of the St. Innocent Orphanage. It has been a true orphanage chapel ministering mainly to the orphanage needs. But like the treasure it is, it has also attracted hungry seekers of Christ and has seen the receiving of more than a handful of new Orthodox Christians.

Our community currently numbers about 40 members, not including the 22 Orthodox orphan boys. With this seed of a community it is now the most beautiful and perfect time to continue the work of the great missionary St. Innocent of Alaska outside of the orphanage walls, focusing attention on the local community by building a new temple in their midst.

The orphanage chapel will continue to minister to the needs of the orphanage. At the same time we hope to now build a local parish which our orphan boys can attend with their families even after they leave the orphanage and the orphanage chapel.

On the very feast of the Prophet Elias this past summer we purchased land in central Rosarito. We will build a temple on it within the next year. By God’s grace, we will soon be announcing “Blessed is the Kingdom…” from within the heart of Rosarito, echoing those same words which began the Liturgy on that ship floating in the Northern Pacific waters 300 years ago.

The mission continues. The Church grows.

St. Innocent, pray to God for us.

Farewell Noelle

A Letter from the Presbytera Merilynn Andruchow

Noelle Robaidek and friends

ONE OF OUR SHINING STARS OF ST. INNOCENT  ORPHANAGE STAFF, NOELLE ROBAIDEK, is moving on. Thank God, in 2008 the Theotokos (Mother of God) called Noelle to serve at Project Mexico/St Innocent Orphanage. Noelle has been serving the ranch for over 15 years. She first volunteered on homebuilding teams during the summers of 2008 and 2009. Then served as a summer Intern for 5 years. And at the end of her internship, she began work as a full time English teacher in Tijuana, Homeschooling the Junior High School boys. She was also in charge of the after-school homework program. Finally, she became the Education Coordinator for the boys at the ranch whose ages ranged from five years old to 20 years old. Now her full-time missionary work has come to an end. 

When I first met Noelle she was interning. I was so grateful when she moved onto the ranch full-time to help with educating the children. Since my biological boys were also being raised at the ranch, I was thrilled that they would be growing up in her shadow. For more than a decade Noelle has taught through example how faith should be lived. Noelle had the courage at the age of 15 to listen  to the call, to take the risk and leave her home in Wisconsin to begin her journey in a 3rd world country to help the poor and needy. Her unconditional love for the orphaned boys reminds me of how the mother of God, the Panagia, must love us. Loving us even when it hurts. Her unconditional love for the boys who are truly wounded by being exposed to too much pain and anger. 

Noelle’s light, her joy, and leading by example will truly be missed on the ranch. I will never forget walking into her house one night to see four of the boys with green facial masks on their faces cleansing their pores. Or when Noelle would stay up late to help the boys study for exams. Or holding one of the boys tightly as he sobbed because of the abusive memories left by his biological mother. Thank you, Lord, through the prayers of St. Innocent, the Theotokos for choosing Noelle to serve her blessed children. And thank you Noelle for responding to the call. Glory be to God!