Growth and Life by Julia Kasten

Essential Ingredients to Inspire Growth

The life-changing and substantial ingredients that inspire growth aren't the most significant events or the most dramatic changes. They're often simple acts and choices that we make each day. I know this isn't an uncommon idea, but when you experience growth that turns into consistency and habit, it becomes a foundation for beautiful things to develop.

I have been working at the Casa Cuna infant orphanage since we received our first child. I have witnessed how quickly kids ages 0-2 develop. Everything sticks with them. From learning the daily routine and knowing that washing our hands means it's time to eat, to talking to them in well-spoken language, we must be mindful that they indeed soak it all up and mimic us. We see them begin to imitate our practices in church. They now know how to kiss icons and recognize a cross.

The other day, we got them all in high chairs and at the table ready for a meal. Queadan (my coworker) and I made the sign of the cross, in preparation to eat. Three of the kids were very watchful. They clumsily copied our motion while only looking at us. It made me think about the foundation and way in which I was raised. Always going to church on Sundays, praying before meals, asking forgiveness, and living in the community. It is a way of life that pushes me to grow and seek my faith.

The position I have found myself in now creates opportunities for me to foster the same foundation for children. But much of the work is in the everyday. Taking the babies for walks and telling them that God created everything they see and or allowing them to kiss the same icon 15 times in a row. Even if they aren't aware of our action, they feel it. It is part of that foundation.

This has made me see where my own spiritual foundation can be improved and learn how to grow. I’ve noticed the change isn't to read a Bible chapter every day but to say "Lord have mercy," during those quiet moments. My work with the infants reminds me that whatever effort I put into growing my relationship with Christ, it will in turn cultivate a foundation in Christ for the children.