Five Essential Items for Mission Work Abroad by John Touloupis


The Essentials

After a beautiful month of building homes in Tijuana, Mexico, my fellow interns and I have compiled an essential packing list of must-haves for your trip. 

We’ve been able to learn from first-hand experience and compiled what we believe to be the top five most important items to bring for your trip. 

While not 100% essential, we think it’s good to bring the following:

  • Sunglasses (preferably cheap ones, not your favorites)
  • Sunscreen and Aloe (especially if you burn easily)
  • Chapstick/Lip Balm
  • Basic toiletries (you would be amazed by how many people forget soap)
  • Chacos or Birkenstocks, a solid pair of shoes or work boots for build days
  • Donations for the boys of St Innocent 


Below are the Top Five essentials for your Mission work in Mexico!

Number 5: A Solid Hat

The sun in Baja can be especially brutal during long days on work sites. A good hat that covers your face and/or neck definitely helps keep the sun off of your face so you can maintain your energy levels throughout the day.


Number 4: Your Favorite Water Bottle

Like I said I said previously, it gets REALLY hot. Staying hydrated throughout your time on site and on the Ranch is absolutely crucial!


Number 3: Small Bills (No currency larger than $10) 

During your trip, we may visit the city of Rosarito for lunch or dinner at the local taco shop, or for cool treats at an ice cream parlor. Most vendors don’t accept big bills, so having a couple of smaller bills in your pocket is always a smart idea.

Pro tip: If you can exchange dollars for pesos find the best rate with a simple google search and bring some! 

Number 2: Snacks

After a long day of hard work, it’s good to have some of your favorite snacks back at the ranch. And even though the food on the Ranch is delicious, if you know you are the type of person who likes to snack late at night then definitely bring some.

Your fellow Interns will certainly be grateful if you remember to bring enough to share!

Number 1: Warm Clothes/Sweats

Yes! You read that right.

Surprisingly, the temperature drops into the 50s and sometimes as low as the 40s during the night. Also, the Ranch gets a cool breeze from the Pacific every now and then. Definitely have enough layers so you feel comfortable at night hanging and when it’s time to sleep. 

All of us interns hope this list helps and we can’t wait to see you!