“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
The 7th Annual Arizona Walk for Missions took place Saturday, April 21, 2018, at Kiwanis Park, in Tempe, AZ. This is truly a Pan-Orthodox event. It is run by Pan-Orthodox Christians and supported by Pan-Orthodox clergy. This year’s attendance hosted 58 walkers, participating from eight different parishes from across Arizona.
Proceeds benefit both Project Mexico and OCMC.
This project began seven years ago under the direction of Antonia Adams Clement. Antonia, and a committee of representatives from varying Orthodox Churches, from multiple jurisdictions, representing the entire state of Arizona, came together and through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center Ambassador Program, they discovered that 26 Orthodox Christians from Arizona had served the Church as missionaries abroad.
Through this program the fellowship began sharing their experiences and decided to support Project Mexico through funding tutors for our boys at St. Innocent Orphanage. Speaking to the Arizona Clergy Council (Antiochian, Coptic, Greek, OCA and Romanian member organizations), each parish selected a representative and the Arizona Walk for Missions was born.
I was excited to represent Project Mexico this year. On the day of the walk, an opening prayer was delivered by His Grace Bishop Daniel (OCA) of Santa Rosa. Clergy in attendance included Fr. David Balmer and Fr. Deacon John Weiss, Sts. Peter and Paul, OCA, Phoenix; Fr. Michael Pallad, St. Haralambos (Greek), Peoria; Fr. Thomas Frisby, Exultation of the Holy Cross, (Romanian), Phoenix; Fr. Andre Paez, St. John the Evangelist, OCA, Tempe; along with Protaisa Laurel Frisby. Board Member, John Hrapchak represented OCMC. This was truly a beautiful day to share our ministries and participate in Pan-Orthodox fellowship while enjoying a 2.5-mile walk.
Arizona is an amazing place to visit in the spring. We encourage you to participate in next year’s Arizona Walk for Missions! Contact us if you or your community are interested in starting a walk for missions of your own. A huge Thank You to Antonia Adams Clement, lead coordinator and her committee, for their love and support.