Alejandro Zendejas PM Fundraiser
Supporting Project Mexico of the Orthodox Church

Matthew 28:18-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

I have been blessed to see this quote from the Scriptures play such an active role in my life through blessings, opportunities and being witness to God’s work being done through volunteers in Mexico every summer. I hope to continue to see these virtues surround me as I grow in my faith and love for others. The whole mission of Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage is founded by Orthodox Christians who believe in the Word and the work of God.

Growing up as an orphan in Mexico, I never would have dreamed of attending a college in the United States and if it hadn’t been for the support, spiritual direction, and education I received at Saint Innocent’s, I likely never would have completed my college degree. Having faithful missionaries helping to raise me and the Orthodox faith I have been surrounded by since a young age, it is clear that God had and still has great plans for me. It is clear to me that all things are possible through my faith in Him. This is just one example of how my faith in God has allowed me to reach heights I didn't know were achievable.

Having graduated from Hellenic College and after working in the United States for a year, the time has come for me to give back to the place that gave me everything. It is time for me to put into practice what I have learned all these years through witnessing the beauty of the Project Mexico mission.

Serving at St Innocent orphanage will provide me with a meaningful vocation and an important way of living. Prayers will be said and services will be held every day, I will be helping raise orphan boys by working alongside them, and the simple way of living will help me grow as a person through experiencing daily struggles that come with life in a 3rd world country. As a graduate of Saint Innocent Orphanage, I have a unique perspective that equips me with the tools to care for and truly understand the boys and their way of life at the orphanage.

I have committed to two years of volunteer service to the Project Mexico missionary team, Orphanage Leadership staff, and support to the Home-Building Program. This ministry is only possible with the help of all those who have faith in the ministry who offer their prayers and donations that allow us to serve as volunteers.

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